if you are not losing stopping power you should be fine. and you have a pretty new car also so i m pretty sure you don t need to change you pads. but if you were going to it would be less the 100 for a pair of pads. and its a pretty easy thing to do if you wanna try it yourself but labour is like 70$ an hr. hope this helpedNeed to change brake pads?
u probably got a nother 1,000 miles left but yeah u need brakes
It's more annoyance than a real problem.
Your dealership checks brake pad life on every service.
The noise may be due to the brakepad material, not that you're running out of brake pad.
I'd leave it alone, or bring it to the dealership.
Its an Audi. Just like any other German made car, They go throught brake pads relaly fast which in turn they have very good braking (which im sure you've noticed). It might not be the pads yet so do the anti squeel first. Take the wheels off and look at the how much the pads have worn.
You should get 30,000 to 40,000 miles before you need new brakes.
They're probably just dirty, oily from road grime during the rainy season.
Any car that goes through brake pads in 10k miles is junk. I get 80k out of my brake pads %26amp; shoes. Cheap pads will squeak. If the pads are good, live with the problem. Just replacing pads is about $100 per axle.
the brake pads are most likely glazed and causing the squeak. Your squeak is most likely your only problem
Ignore the squeak. New brake pads squeak. No problem at 10k miles.
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