Sunday, November 21, 2010

How do i change my brake pads on a ford ka. 2000 (v) reg.?

Do i need any special tools, or do i have to be careful in certain fields as this is my first time doing it myself. Instructions seem complicated and want to make sure i do it right.How do i change my brake pads on a ford ka. 2000 (v) reg.?
you don't need special tools.

tool list= 5mm spanner for nipples and some hose to bleed the brakes after you have changed the pads.

Remember you need to put new brake fluid in and bleed the system so their is no AIR in the system.

You do this by unscrwing the nipple with one or two turns, pressing the brake peddle, holding the brake peddle down in the depressed position whilst you tighten the nipple. don't let the brake peddle up whilst the nipple is open or you will just let AIR back in . and just keep repeating the proccess till all the AIR is out whilst topping up the brake fluid reserve.How do i change my brake pads on a ford ka. 2000 (v) reg.?
You do need some special tools,for example an allen key for the caliper retaining bolts and some way of pushing the hydraulic piston back.Most probably cheaper just to get them fitted at a local garage as its not a big job.Hope this helps
take it to your local garage, that should do the trick!!
Changing pads is fairly straightforward. Cant remember if its an allen key or bolt that holds caliper on the ka.

Remove caliper, remove old pads. push back caliper piston using a g clamp. Clean up retaining clips at top and bottom of carrier. Grease these with some copper grease. Stick new pads in. Grease back of pads with copper grease. Reasemble caliper and wheel back on.

Give brake peddle a few pumps until you feel it going hard.

Bobs your mums sister!
easy as pie...NO BLEADING/SPECIAL TOOLS NEDED..loosen wheel nuts,jack up,off with the wheel,big screwdriver to push back pistons,12mm or allen bolt to remove caliper/pad holding bracket,out with the old in with the new....all back together..BUT DONT FORGET TO PUMP THE BRAKES ALITTLE BE FOR U USE IT..

step 1 take wheels off

step 2 make sure stearing lock is not on and put it on full lock

eg: if you want to do drivers side first full right lock and if you want to do passenger side first left lock

step3 you either hae a pin going through te the lower part of the caliper or a couple of 13 mill bolts or you could have a 7 mm allen key on the back take the lower thirteen mill bolt out or the pin depending on what you have got

step 3 get a screwdriver between the caliper and the carrier and lever the caliper up if it is to tight you maid have to slacken the top bolt of a bit

step 4 take out both brake pads you maid have to get the screwdriver in there and have to wiggle it about

step 5 clean the bit of the carrier where the brake pads have been standing on clean it with wire brush

step 6 get a big pair of players and push the caliper back by squeezing the piston (the bit where the brake pad was sitting on) back in

step 7 if you want to prevent a squeeki niose get some copper slip and put some on the brake pad BUT ONLY ON THE BIT WHICH IS IN CONTACT WITH THE CARRIER YOU DONT WANT TO GET ANY ON THE BRAKE PAD FACE AS THIS COULDEFFECT YOUR BRAKING

step 8 place brake pads on carrier make sure they are tight against the disc

step 9 pull caliper down

step10 put bolt back in or put pin back through the hole make sure to tighten up the top bolt if you have slakend it of

step11 put wheels back on torque them up to 100nm if you have torque wrench otherwise just make sure they are tight

step12 before you start the car pump up the brake peddal about 5times untill it is nice and hard otherwise you will not have any brakes

step 13 take it for a spin dont forget your brakes will not be as good as they used to be for the first 100-200 miles as they have to bleed them selves in

thats it job done

Oh yeah you will get a bit of a funny smell nothing to worry about only means your brakes are bleeding in should go away after a few days

if you can read and understand what you read, i would suggest you go to a auto parts store and purchase a Haynes auto manual for your year and make vehicle, also has pictures. a c-clap , Allen wrenches, hammer, punch, i don't believe you will need any specialty tools.for safety sake a good jack, jack stands, and chock your tires that are on the ground front and rear, the manual should pretty much run you through it...
no just take it to a car shop they were have some good pads
wow i didn't know that they fitted brakes to them i thought that they were just a pedle car that you got in a toy shop or that they went that fast to need brakes
If I was you, for the sake of an extra ten or twenty pound I'd take it to a garage. I've changed all sorts on my car - lights, wing mirrors, wind screen wipers etc but I wont mess with breaks because its too much of a risk. Your life is more important than saving. I'm not saying your not capable but I think its too much of a risk.
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